On 25 April 2025, the Australian and New Zealand Governments will conduct Anzac Day services at Gallipoli, Türkiye.

Accreditation is required for all personnel working for organisations supporting the Anzac Day 2025 Commemorative Services at the Anzac Commemorative Site, Lone Pine and Chunuk Bair. Accreditation will be required on 24/25 April to gain access to the sites.

You can manage personnel and vehicles requiring accreditation here. Applications for personnel and vehicle accreditation must be submitted by the closing date of 17 April 2025.

An allocated staff member from each organisation will be responsible for submitting each application on behalf of individuals within their organisation.

Each application is subject to approval by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

To complete an application for accreditation, you will need to provide details about the attendee and your organisation, as well as a passport style photo of the attendee for the accreditation pass.

Photos should be taken/supplied in a portrait layout, in colour, with no sunglasses. The photo should be no more than 12 months old. The photo must be a head and shoulders passport style, shot against a plain white background (no glamour shots!). Accreditation photos can only be submitted PNG images. The resolution should be no more than 1000 x 500 pixels and the size should not exceed 250KB.

Accreditation passes are non-transferrable and when issued the attendee’s name and photo will be printed on the accreditation pass and will be checked against official photo identification as verification when entering the commemorative service.

To assign individual personnel names to each accreditation pass, please select your organisation from the drop down menus below. Each accreditation pass must have a different name assigned.

Following closure of the accreditation process, final personnel will be determined and accreditation issued prior to 23 April.